/* Animation & Modelling 3d, 3dmax with Blender joki-blender: 2009 */ 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Photo Cube Generator

It was one website that provided the visitor to give the effect cube proceeded to the image that uploaded. You  only upload a picture, then you could see the results... Amazing. For example could be seen in the underside this blog.

Adalah sebuah website yg menyediakan pengunjung untuk
Memberikan efek cube berputar pada image yg diuploadnya.
Pengunjung hanya upload a picture, maka anda dapat melihat hasilnya...
Amazing. Sebagai contoh dapat dilihat pada bagian bawah blog ini.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Animasi Linear (Orang berjalan)

Disadur dari tulisannya Mas Adhi Hargo(cadmus_sw@yahoo.com)

Animasi non-linear (Non-linear Animation/NLA) adalah salah satu fasilitas tambahan dalam
perangkat pemodelan/penganimasian 3D Blender. NLA terdiri atas penyusunan blok-blok tindakan, dan peletakan setiap blok dalam bingkai waktu. Sebuah blok tindakan dapat hanya berisi elemen-elemen dinamis yang relevan; misalnya, tindakan “berjalan” untuk objek antropomorfik hanya melibatkan kedua kaki untuk melangkah dan kedua tangan yang mengayun. Kompositor NLA adalah fitur Blender yang mendapat perbaikan antarmuka secara ekstensif sebagai hasil dari inisiasi Project Orange, sehingga penggunaannya dalam versi 2.4.x menjadi jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan versi-versi sebelumnya.

Tulisan ini menjelaskan salah satu cara penggunaan fasilitas NLA dalam Blender; meskipun
Anda diasumsikan telah memahami fasilitas mendasar seperti navigasi dan manipulasi objek, serta teknik dasar pemodelan objek, saya tetap berusaha memberi penjelasan terhadap setiap langkah kerja pembuatan animasi ini, dari awal sampai akhir. Versi Blender yang digunakan adalah v2.4.2; antarmuka Blender masih tengah mengalami evolusi, sehingga bila Anda menggunakan versi Blender lain, Anda mungkin akan menemui fitur-fitur yang saya maksudkan di tempat yang berbeda dari yang saya jelaskan dalam kata maupun gambar. Sebagai konvensi, font Seperti Ini menandai label menu atau tombol dalam antarmuka Blender, font Ini menandai tombol keyboard atau kombinasinya, dan font Berikut Ini menandai label atau teks yang [dapat] ditentukan oleh pengguna.

Untuk kebih lengkapnya dan biar bisa dibaca offline PDF filenya bisa di unduh di bawah ini:

Animasi Linear.pdf


Saturday, August 29, 2009


Contact Form


How to show Flash in Blog

To install flash in your blog is easy enough. you need the flash files with .Swf extension files are then uploaded to the hosting. eg at geocities.com or 000webhost or other hosting places. Flash animation files that can be used as decoration on your blog or can also be decorated in the header that makes blogs more animatif. To install flash on his blog the following way:

1. Login to blogger then choose "Layout".
2. Click the link "Add a Gadget" which will be placed flash animation.
3. Select "HTML / Javascript" then put the following script:

<embed src="http://joki.hostoi.com/file_flash.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="white" width="500" height="100" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi? P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed>

Sample of SWF file in Blog:
Mulih K'Desa


Saturday, July 25, 2009


Alhamdulillah this blog already published, which this blog is the result of my learning & practising.

The blog contains a tutorials and some examples of images or animations, which hopefully can be a learning blog.

hopefully useful.



Saturday, July 11, 2009

Make Human part 1

This is the first part of the MakeHuman threads that BU is doing in an effort to boost interoperability interest (and because it
is fun!) It is broken down into three parts. The first (this post) will show how to use the MakeHuman program and exporting

This is the first part of the MakeHuman threads that BU is doing in an effort to boost interoperability interest (and because it
is fun!) It is broken down into three parts. The first (this post) will show how to use the MakeHuman program and exporting
into Blender. The second will delve into fixing the mesh that was imported. The third will go into the rigging. Further, Evol
Child has the start of a great little tutorial that will show how to make clothes for the MakeHuman figure found here:
MakeHuman is a program that allows the creation of posable 3D figures similar to Poser found here:
The current version (the one discussed here) is MakeHuman-0.9.1-RC1a. It is still under very heavy development so things
may change. It is comprised of three mandatory and one optional programs.There are pre-made packages for Windows
98/2000/XP/Vista, MAC OS X, Mandriva Linux (RPM Based) and of course the raw source. The pre-built packages have
the three main programs already compiled while the raw source does not. I'll discuss how to compile the raw source since
that is common to all builds. If you downloaded one of the packages, it is safe to ignore this next part but remember where it
installs to because you will need that later.
Compiling from source:
To compile form source you first must have your system setup for development. That means all the necessary programs as
well as development library files are installed. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to instruct you how to do this and won't
be covered here. Go to the download page and click the "MakeHuman-0.9.1-RC1 C++ Source" link. This will take you to
the MakeHuman SourceForge page listing the three programs you will need to compile MakeHuman. They are
animorph--0.3.tar.gz, makehuman-0.9.1-rc1a.tar.gz and mhgui-0.2.tar.gz. There is also SVN access for MakeHuman but
this tutorial won't delve into that. MakeHuman requires that the three main programs be compiled in a special order. That
order is animorph then mhgui then makhuman.
Once you have the files downloaded, extract them to a convenient location and compile them using the standard:
./configure --prefix=/usr (the --prefix is optional suit for your system libraries)
sudo (or su) make install (root access is needed for this part)
Again make sure you compile animorph first then mhgui then lastly makehuman. If you get errors on your compile, make
sure you resolve the errors before proceeding to the next step. For example, if it complains about a missing library, install
that library before proceeding.
Installing aqsis:
aqsis is a stand alone render engine that is optional for MakeHuman to run but will ease your import into Blender by leaps
and bounds. It is highly recommended that you install this package not only for the import easing but for being able to
render your figure from within MakeHuman. Without it, you won't be able to do that. Some distributions (such as Gentoo)
of Linux include aqsis in their repositories. Check to see if yours does before trying to compile it from source. If all else
fails, go here:
Try to get the package that best suits your system. That very well may be source. If so, follow the directions for compiling
above substituting in the aqsis package. STAY WITH STABLE! Don't download unstable unless you know what you are
doing! Again, remember where it is installed.
If everything goes well, you should now have MakeHuman working and able to render the default character. It takes aqsis a
long time to render and may look like it is locked up when it isn't. So if you try, keep that in mind.


Sunday, February 8, 2009





Friday, January 2, 2009


BAJAJ Roda 3.

Jump to box.
The Red Man.
Menuang air di gelas.